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Jiangnan Peacock Garden Outward Bound Training Highlights

In April, everything recovered and spring was full. In order to enhance and strengthen the cooperation and cohesion of the team and stimulate the team's higher enthusiasm for work and the motivation for hard work and innovation, the Administration Department, after careful planning, visitedOn April 6 and 7, all employees were organized to go to Jiangnan Peacock Park for a two-day outward bound training. Let's share some of the links of expansion training at that time:

High-altitude grab bar
An 8-meter-high iron rod was erected on the open ground, requiring us to climb up the iron rod, stand on a rectangular iron plate at the top of the iron rod, then jump up in the air and grab the horizontal bar 1.5 meters ahead. This is a training to exercise bravery and psychological quality. Although the body is tied with safety protection measures, everyone has a more or less sense of fear when jumping at high altitude. The iron plate standing from the pole to the top is A great test, jumping from the iron plate to grab the bar is a psychological challenge, especially for female colleagues. Some colleagues from flushed to pale, some afraid to stand, some stand for a long time did not dare to jump... We for every colleague"Come on" shouted, encouraged, and watched them climb to the top of the 8-meter-high one by one. After each colleague who completed the "task" came down, we high-fived and congratulated them.

Through this link, let us understand that what seems difficult on the surface is not as terrible as imagined. In work and life, it is not terrible to encounter difficulties, but to lose the courage and confidence to solve them! Psychological obstacles are the most difficult to overcome. If we want to become strong, we must first challenge our fear. When we take a small step bravely, we may be able to seize our own opportunities and realize a big leap in life.

Trust back fall

"Back holding" is one of the most typical projects in outward bound training. When a person stands on the 1.5-meter platform and falls back upright, the colleagues under the platform will hold up a "bed" with their hands to catch the person who fell off the platform. Out of instinctive fear, many teammates hesitated psychologically when falling back. They arched their bodies and went down their buttocks first. In this way, the local gravity borne by the companions below was too large, which easily led to the injury "I am XX, I am coming"! All the colleagues who formed the adult bed in the audience answered in unison, "Come on! We're ready!" That's the promise. The commitment of team mates is a valuable resource and a source of courage, strength and confidence.

Commitment embodies a sense of responsibility. When you express your commitment, it is equivalent to putting your character, credibility, and sense of responsibility in the test of the public. There are some things in life that are worth defending to the death.

Graduation Wall

This link is that everyone has to turn over a block of about4 meters and vertical walls, so we must rely on the strength of the collective to complete. At first, everyone thought it was a difficult and dangerous task. It was estimated that it would take half an hour or even an hour to pass all of it. However, it took us only more than ten minutes to pass all of it. Even the coach thought it was a miracle. It seems that our team cohesion is out of the question.

Therefore, a team is not a group. An excellent team must have unity, trust and cooperation. Every unity and cooperation, every enthusiasm after success, every frank sharing of the completion of the project, will make each other more understanding, more cordial, more friendship."I am for everyone, everyone is for me", treat those who help themselves, have a grateful heart, learn to help others, will be helped by others. The two-day outward bound training is over. Although everyone feels very tired and some colleagues are injured by the sun because they stand outside for a long time, everyone feels that it is worth it, because through this outward bound training, we have been reborn, comprehended and understood... Good team spirit and positive attitude towards life are the basic qualities that modern people should have and the two core connotations of modern personality traits. An entrepreneur once said: Don't think that you can do anything. If you open a team, you may achieve nothing; don't think that you are alone and have a team. You can do anything!