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Invite you to witness every step of development and growth

Nanjing Development Science and Technology 2015 Liyang League Construction

In order to enhance team building, enhance team cohesion and cooperation spirit, but also let the partners who are usually busy at work relax and feel green The beauty of the early summer,In mid-May, our company organized a tour to discover the beauty of the city and look for forgotten scenic lines. The venue of the event was selected in Changzhou Liyang Tianmu Lake and Nanshan Bamboo Sea Scenic Area, which are known as "Jiangnan Pearl" and "Green Fairy View. After a 2-hour drive, we finally arrived at our destination and quickly divided into 4 groups. Each colleague put on the identification vest representing the group and received the first task list. Starting from the gate of Tianmu Lake Scenic Area, this early summer journey to discover the beauty of the city also adds a touch of vitality to the early summer of Tianmu Lake.

Each group has this activity.Six tasks, each with a certain amount of funds (each team member is not allowed to bring money), take the gate of Tianmu Lake as the starting point, and include the green space in the central area of Tianmu Lake, the lakeside, the memorial arch, the parking lot and the top of the mountain outside Nanshan Bamboo Sea Scenic Area into the coordinate map of this activity. Nearly 10 coordinate points are connected in series. Each team can enter the next task after each time it takes a task, the highest efficiency, spending the least money for the winning elements.

During the activity, each teammate tried his best to strive for every minute of time, running if he could; Strive to bargain with the driver and save every penny as much as possible. This is a very challenging activity. It requires accurate calculation of the route. This is a test for brain power. It must be completed in the shortest time and has high physical strength.

In the evening, after enjoying the beautiful scenery of Tianmu Lake, colleagues arrived at the memorial arch of Tianmu Lake one after another. They talked about the activity and expressed their own feelings about the activity. The coexistence of brain and physical strength made us feel the strength of the team, the warmth of mutual support, and the fast and efficient completion of each task also made us discover the beautiful scenery around us.

On the second day, the deep tour of Nanshan Bamboo Sea completely relaxed our body and mind and quietly felt the tranquility and boundlessness of the Bamboo Sea. Nanshan foothills, peaks and mountains, high and low scattered, one after another, dry posture. The forest trees are thick and adorable, the mountains and streams are gurgling, with the beauty of peaks and turns and the profound space, as well as the magical magic of blurred and inscrutable exploration. Tens of thousands of acres of moso bamboo, leaning against the mountain and embracing stones, the mountain wind is blowing, the waves are surging, the waves are surging, the shape is vigorous, and the taste is unique. Roaming in the sea of bamboo, it is as true as an ancient poem.: Qiao Shu has Jiameng, fairyland is called "Avoidance Department". The condition is very good, but I don't feel bitter. We avoid the noise in the sea of bamboo, looking for quiet, inspired us to return to the nature of the psychological feeling.

This is a different journey. In sports, in enjoyment, and in the relaxation of the soul, we have awakened our inner voice, our soul has been enlightened, our thoughts have been sublimated, and the understanding, trust and communication between colleagues, Team collaboration, reasonable co-ordination .. Every colleague who participated has achieved a breakthrough in psychology and physical strength. I believe that in the future work, everyone will work together to create and expand a better tomorrow!