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What is a biosafety laboratory and what are the classification requirements?

Laboratory is a necessary place for scientific research. With the rapid development of modern biomedicine, many biopharmaceutical companies and medical institutions have established their own biosafety protection laboratories. With the increasingly stringent requirements for quality control, the demand for constant temperature environment is increasing, and the application field is becoming wider and wider.

Biosafety laboratories, also known as biological laboratories, are places where experiments related to biological subjects are conducted. It is mainly engaged in the experimental research of pathogenic microorganisms. In order to prevent the contamination of laboratory personnel and other articles, to ensure the safety of life and property of scientific researchers, and to prevent their release into the environment, the laboratory must have a system to prevent the spread of pathogenic microorganisms and human protective measures.

The laboratory is a necessary place for scientific research. The World Health Organization divides the biological laboratory into P1(Protection level 1),P2,P3 and P4 according to the Biosafety level (BSL) according to the pathogenic ability and the risk degree of infection. The fourth level is the highest level of biosafety, which can effectively prevent the release of infectious pathogens into the environment while providing safety guarantees for researchers.

The work that the P1-P4 laboratory can undertake is also divided according to the safety level, and its strict level is from low to high. The following are specific grading requirements:

P1 laboratory: basic laboratory, suitable for human, animal and plant or environmental harm is low, does not have to healthy adults, animal and plant pathogenic factors.

P2 laboratory: basic laboratory, suitable for human, animal and plant or the environment with medium harm or potentially dangerous pathogenic factors, will not cause serious harm to healthy adults, animals and the environment, effective prevention and treatment measures.

P3 laboratory: protective laboratory, suitable for dealing with the human body, animals and plants or the environment is highly harmful, through direct contact or aerosol to infect people with serious or even fatal diseases, or highly harmful to animals and plants and the environment Pathogenic factors, usually with preventive and therapeutic measures.

P4 laboratory: the highest level of protection laboratory, suitable for human, animal and plant or the environment is highly harmful, through aerosol transmission or transmission of unknown, or unknown, highly dangerous pathogenic factors. There are no preventive and curative measures. Like Ebola.

In addition, the construction of biosafety laboratories needs to comply with the published Technical Code for the Building of Biosafety Laboratories. According to the specification, P2 laboratories should implement primary and secondary barriers, while P3 and P4 laboratories need to set up primary and secondary barriers.

There is a clear distinction between primary and secondary barriers in the definition of barrier classification.

The primary barrier is the isolation between the manipulation object and the manipulator. Through the biological safety cabinet, positive pressure protective clothing and other protective facilities to achieve.

The secondary barrier is the isolation of the biosafety laboratory from the external environment. The purpose of preventing harmful biological particles from escaping from the laboratory to the external environment is achieved through building technologies (e. g. airtight building structures, floor layouts, ventilation and air conditioning and air purification systems, filtration and sterilization of contaminated air and pollutants until harmless emissions).

Take the Biosafety Level II (P2) laboratory as an example, the envelope requirements are as follows:

1. To meet the requirements of level I biosafety (P1), the laboratory door should be locked and can be closed automatically, and the laboratory door should have a window;

2. Reserve sufficient storage space to place items for convenient use, and there should be conditions for storing personal clothes outside the working area;

3. High-pressure steam sterilizer should be equipped in the building where the laboratory is located, and it should be checked and verified on schedule to ensure that it meets the requirements;

4, should be equipped with biological safety cabinet in the laboratory, should be equipped with eye washing facilities, emergency sprinkler and other emergency equipment;

5, the laboratory to ventilation, such as the use of natural ventilation windows, there should be insect screens;

6. Reliable power supply and emergency lighting. If necessary, the important equipment such as incubator, biological safety cabinet, refrigerator, etc. should be equipped with standby power supply;

7. The exit of the laboratory shall be clearly identifiable in the dark.

In addition, in order to protect the safety of personnel and the surrounding environment in the biosafety laboratory, the air inside the laboratory must be filtered by a high-efficiency filter before it can be discharged to the outside, and the solid waste generated by the experiment must be thoroughly sterilized and disinfected. Only then can harmless incineration be carried out.

With the support of the policy level, all parts of the country are strengthening and accelerating the construction of biosafety laboratories. In recent years, Big Oak Group has participated in the construction of several biosafety laboratories. The Suzhou Disease Prevention and Control Center to be built in 2022 is one of the benchmark projects of Big Oak Group. The service content includes the function of finished laboratory products, the multifunctional integrated system of laboratory, the power system of laboratory, the drainage system of laboratory, the carrying equipment of laboratory and the ancillary facilities (including fume hood, biological safety cabinet, etc.), experimental treasure ventilation system, laboratory ventilation control system, laboratory pure water system, microbial purification system (including all P2 laboratories), laboratory intelligent logistics basic system, laboratory instrument power supply equipment, laboratory refrigeration cold storage system.