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Construction of Laboratory Strong and Weak Current System

1. laboratory strong current system

There are various types of laboratories and instruments and equipment inside the experimental building. The power supply system not only maintains the specific environmental power consumption of the laboratory, but also meets the special power consumption requirements of various existing and future additional instruments. For instruments such as centrifuges, chromatography freezers and low-temperature refrigerators with compressors, the current required for their motors to start is often many times the working current, which often affects the voltage fluctuation of the circuit at the moment of starting, if there are many high-power instruments connected to the line, it will cause the instruments to work abnormally. Microelectronic instruments such as microbiological electricity tester, spectrophotometer, computer and the like have relatively high requirements on the quality of power supply. Frequent startup of high-power instruments will generate pulse voltage, which can easily damage components or cause reading fluctuation, data loss and other fault arrays. Therefore, the design of the experimental building power supply system, in addition to the need to reserve enough surplus power to meet the needs of future development, but also must provide uninterrupted power supply. Based on the uniqueness of the laboratory, the power supply system of the experimental building is unique in terms of power supply, wiring, lighting, safety and other aspects. The electricity consumption of experimental buildings is usually twice the existing electricity consumption.

1. Laboratory power supply

Uninterrupted laboratory power supply is an important part to ensure the stable operation of the instrument. In order to avoid the unstable power supply voltage of the mains supply or sudden power failure affecting the operation of the laboratory, standby power supply and voltage stabilizer are usually installed. UPS power supply is most commonly used in the laboratory, which is divided into two categories. One is ordinary UPS, which only plays the role of uninterrupted power supply but cannot stabilize voltage. The other is online UPS power supply, which can supply both uninterrupted power and stabilize voltage. Different power supplies can be selected according to the actual situation and instrument requirements.

2. Laboratory power supply line

(1) In order to make these high-power instruments do not interfere with each other when working, a line is generally set up separately for high-power instruments, and microelectronic instruments and high-power electrical appliances cannot be connected to the same line;

(2) For precision instruments that require uninterrupted power supply, a regulated UPS power supply should be provided; for laboratories that require uninterrupted power supply, such as culture rooms, biosafety laboratories, and animal feeding rooms, dual-insurance special power supplies must be used.

(3) Each laboratory is equipped with three-phase alternating current and single-phase alternating current, and a main power control switch is set near the door to facilitate lead wires from the corridor, control maintenance and turn on or off the indoor power supply. For the equipment that still needs to run after the experiment is stopped, it should be connected to the line of the dedicated power supply to avoid affecting the work due to cutting off the total power supply of the laboratory.

(4) The test bench is equipped with a certain number of three-phase and single-phase power sockets. The power socket circuit is equipped with leakage protection electrical appliances. The socket setting should be far away from the water basin and gas.

(5) wet, corrosive gas steam, fire hazard and explosion hazard and other places, should be selected with the corresponding protective performance of power distribution equipment.

(6) Chemical laboratory due to corrosive gas, distribution wire using copper core. The physics laboratory can use aluminum conductor.

(7) The grounding system of the laboratory can ensure personal safety and the normal operation of the instrument. General grounding types have safety protection grounding anti-static grounding, DC grounding, lightning protection grounding, etc.

(8) in the same scientific experiment building (room) with two or more different voltage or frequency of the power supply, should be set up distribution protection device and have obvious distinction or sign. When powered by the same distribution protection device, there should be good isolation. Lines with different voltages or frequencies shall be laid separately and shall not be laid in the same pipe. The power lines of the same equipment or experimental assembly line equipment and the control circuit without anti-interference requirements are allowed to be laid in the same pipe.

(9) For high-rise or multi-storey scientific experimental buildings with more lines, the vertical lines should be laid by pipeline wells. Pipeline wells shall be set for strong and weak current pipelines respectively. When laying in the same pipeline, it should be laid on both sides of the pipeline well.

2. laboratory building (room) intelligent plume system

The overall function of the intelligent weak current system in the laboratory building (room) can be reflected in the following aspects: to ensure the normal operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment in the laboratory building (laboratory); to provide personal and property security for the personnel in the laboratory building (laboratory); to provide a comfortable and convenient working and living environment for the users in the laboratory building (laboratory); provide suitable environmental parameters such as air temperature, relative humidity and air cleanliness in the experimental building (laboratory); Ensure the supply of water, electricity, cold, heat and other energy sources; Provide beautiful background music and information display to meet the needs of information exchange between various departments inside the experimental building (laboratory) and with the outside to realize the sharing of information resources; Users in the experimental building (laboratory) can timely understand the internal information of the experimental building (laboratory), timely access to property services: provide property management tools for managers in the laboratory building (laboratory); extend the service life of equipment, save energy, save personnel, and improve equipment utilization.

1, system composition

It is composed of building automatic control system, fire automatic alarm and emergency broadcasting system, integrated wiring system, integrated security management and prevention system, cable TV system, mobile phone paging system and conference system.

2. System requirements analysis

(1) Analysis of overall construction objectives and functional requirements of construction projects

Use to meet the requirements of various laboratory buildings (rooms), but also to achieve modern design standards, fire, security, management integration.

(2) The construction goal of the intelligent weak current system of the laboratory building (room) and the analysis of the common and individual needs in the industry application.

The appearance looks at the building, the interior looks at the intelligence. The grade and level of a building is mainly reflected in the level of intelligent construction of the building. The high degree of intelligent building construction will lay a good foundation for the development of the laboratory building (room) today and in the future. In the long run, the intelligent weak current system of the laboratory building (room) will bring considerable economic benefits to the owners.

The construction of intelligent weak current system should keep up with the development trend of the world's advanced technology. The use of intelligent system will provide the managers of the building with high automation level and advanced operation means, and provide users with safe, convenient and comfortable working environment.

3. System Design

(1) Design ideas and principles. The design of the intelligent weak current system of the laboratory building or laboratory is based on the characteristics of use, based on the engineering design drawings, and follows the following principles: advanced originality, advancement, practicality, implementability, and economy.

(2) System overall scheme design

1) System engineering concept. Laboratory building (room) intelligent weak system design is a systematic project. It is not only the stacking of simple intelligent product technology, but also involves the cooperation with related professions and the cross-assistance between disciplines; it is not only the design of a single subsystem of a product manufacturer, but also the overall integrated management of the system. Therefore, the laboratory building (room) intelligent weak system design must be

Use the theory and method of system engineering to prevent the single design of the system or single product manufacturer, and ensure the overall level of the system is coordinated.

2) Design first. Laboratory building (room) intelligent weak system construction is the core of modern intelligent building design, for the building environment, space and various professional types of work have related requirements. We can no longer use the traditional method. After the civil engineering design is completed, we can consider the intelligent system, either rework or make do with the construction of a nondescript system. The laboratory building should be clearly defined when planning the construction plan.

(Room) The overall requirements of the intelligent weak current system, the engineering objectives and basic system architecture of the intelligent system are designed at the beginning of the preliminary process design of the building, so as to guide the future architectural design and equipment setting selection, and achieve the consistency between the building ontology and the requirements of the intelligent system.

3) and civil body design optimization. The intelligent weak current system design of the laboratory building (room) should be integrated with the design of the main body of the building to carry out the feasibility study and optimization of the implementation plan. The intelligent weak current system design of the laboratory building (room) should not only have a good plan, but also be practical and feasible in combination with the actual situation of the building. It should be studied, deliberated and cooperated with the design of the civil engineering body to optimize it into an implementable solution.

case to ensure that the system is practical and truly open. Can not simply pursue blindly on the system, on the control of product equipment, and from the actual building body, high-grade equipment, system, low-grade use phenomenon. Therefore, the intelligent weak current system design of the laboratory building (room) should be designed by a system integrator that is consistent with the design of the building's civil engineering body, so as to ensure the coordination, coordination and synchronous optimization with the design of the civil engineering body, and finally truly design and build a practical and feasible intelligent system.

4) Development and stability are coordinated. The intelligent weak current system design of laboratory building (room) should adopt advanced technology, with advance and development, but at the same time, as a project construction, it requires maturity and stability. This is the contradiction between the continuous development of science and technology and the relative stability of engineering equipment. Therefore, the laboratory building (room) intelligent weak system design should fully consider the advanced nature, to leave room for development. At the same time, the project is not scientific research, to try to use mature technology, to maintain the level of engineering technology room step up. An important content of the optimal design of the intelligent weak current system of the laboratory building (room) is to deal with the coordination between development and stability.

5) Integrated system management. The core of intelligent weak current system in laboratory building (room) is system integration. System integration is a comprehensive concept in a broad sense and cannot be simply understood as a centralized single system. System integration is a management concept and method, is a design idea. Weak current system integration is a comprehensive integration, which includes integrated design ideas, integrated network platform and integrated

construction management, and ultimately make the intelligent building weak system function to achieve the goal of integrated management.

4. Overview of each subsystem of the system

(1) Building automatic control system. Laboratory building (room) set up a lot of high-tech, sophisticated experimental equipment, and these devices may be placed in different floors, the location is very scattered, and has different functions, building automation system using advanced computer technology to these scattered experimental equipment for centralized real-time monitoring, unified management, to ensure the normal operation of the experimental equipment.

The building automation system enables managers to monitor all experimental equipment in the building and carry out various modern management in the central control room.

The biggest characteristic of building automation system is to make the operation of the whole system efficient and energy saving, save a lot of manpower and material resources, prolong the service life of experimental equipment, effectively strengthen the management to reduce equipment failure, guarantee the experimental equipment and personal safety.

(2) Automatic fire alarm and emergency broadcasting system. It ensures the safety of the staff in the laboratory building (room) and the safety of the entire laboratory building (room), but it cannot cause panic due to the false alarm of the detector. Therefore, smoke and temperature composite detectors are set up in important places such as laboratories, conference rooms and teachers' offices. Air blowing fire extinguishing devices are considered to be set up in the north hall and network center on the first floor, and gas fire extinguishing devices are set up in some important laboratories. The automatic fire alarm and fire linkage control system monitors and controls the fire signal and fire control of the whole building.

(3) integrated wiring system. The computer network system is the nerve center of the intelligent building and the bridge between the inside and the outside world. The integrated wiring system is the foundation of the computer network system. The design scope of the integrated wiring system of the laboratory building (room) includes two parts: telephone system and computer network system. The telephone is divided into local and internal telephone, and the network is divided into internal LAN and external network. Adopt

Dedicated digital lines link to the Intermet network. Establish a high-speed computer LAN with a 1000M rate backbone in the building. Due to the large amount of information in the building and considering future development, the thousand-wire system uses optical fibers, and due to the confidentiality requirements and transmission rate requirements, some port optical fibers are sent to the desktop.

(4) Integrated security management system. Integrated security management systems include closed-circuit surveillance systems, burglar alarm systems and access control systems. Each system and its linkage constitute the building's multi-directional three-dimensional comprehensive security protection system to ensure the safety of laboratory equipment and personnel in the laboratory building (room).

As important scientific research and experimental personnel share a parking lot with ordinary offices, in order to ensure safety, prevent chaos and traffic jams in the parking lot, fairly settle parking fees, prevent the loss of important equipment, control and manage the population of the building, and set up garage management and one-card system, the garage management system will also become one of the sources of income for the owners of the laboratory building (room).

(5) TV system. The cable television system uses cable television signal lines to provide television signals for the laboratory building (room).

(6) mobile phone pager system. Setting up a mobile phone pager system can ensure that the signals of mobile phones and pagers are received in the basement and stairwell of the laboratory building (room).