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Nanjing Expands Science and Technology Tour to Anhui

In order to reflect the company's care for employees, create a harmonious collective atmosphere, relieve the work pressure of employees, and enhance team cohesion, From June 9 to 11, Nanjing to expand science and technology ushered in the annual tourism activities, the annual organization of staff travel has become a traditional enterprise activities in Nanjing to expand science and technology ...... The destination of our trip is known as "the first village of Huangshan" in Anhui Yangjiazhai scenic area and Huangshan Furong Valley scenic area.

1Mountain one water one village one village, Huangshan Taiping Lake Yangjiazhai. Anhui Yangjiazhai Scenic Area is located in Wushi Town, Huangshan District, Huangshan City, Anhui Province. It has beautiful scenery, clear rivers, well-preserved natural original ecology, and rich humanities.The reputation of "Little Jiuhua by Taiping Lake" and "Ancient Rhyme Poetry and Painting in Han and Tang Dynasties. We stop and go, or laugh, or take pictures, linger, enjoy the scenery. There are many outdoor experience projects in the scenic area: bamboo raft, dragon boat, rafting, jungle horse riding, beach off-road vehicle, real CS, water bumper boat.... Everyone is having a great time. At this time, we relax physically and mentally and are really merging with nature.……

The picnic at noon is the focus of the day. Do it yourself and have plenty of food and clothing.... the people who wash vegetables, chop vegetables, light fires, add firewood, stir-fry dishes... everyone shows what they can, competing to show off their cooking skills, laughter and laughter from time to time, all kinds of voices converge into a beautiful "picnic symphony". Through everyone's labor, dishes full of happy breath are presented in front of everyone, tasting the fruits of their own labor, everyone can't hide the joy in their hearts, showing a bright and joyful smile.

At night, we came to the international RV camp. This is the first RV camp in Huangshan Scenic Area that integrates high-end reception, high-end catering, health care and vacation, and leisure and entertainment. It covers an area of 1,000 acres and is also the country. The largest and most complete car camp allows everyone to experience a different outdoor life.

The outdoor self-service barbecue in the evening pushed the whole journey to a climax. The colleagues in the design department and the sales department instantly turned into barbecue experts, not to mention the roasted chicken wings, skewers, ham sausage,SoilBeans, small steamed bread... It's really no less than the taste of a barbecue shop, even better than the taste of a barbecue shop. Despite the hot weather at night, more mosquitoes, but when we taste the fruits of their own labor, the picture was so natural, harmonious ...... to remove the pressure of the past work, there is only that a happy smile......


The next morning, we came to a magical Grand Canyon at the northern foot of Mount Huangshan.-Furong Valley, the canyon is densely forested, long-flowing emerald water, a list of strange stones, and perennial streams and springs in the valley. There are more than 100 jadeite ponds, large and small, which are colorful and colorful.... We breathe the fresh air, enjoy the pleasant beauty of nature .. This trip, we not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, happy mood, so that the usual tension and busy work pressure has been alleviated, but also enhance the communication between employees...... In the future work, we will be full of enthusiasm into the work, we are connected, hand in hand, solid work, to forge ahead towards the established goal, we will be able to embark on a new journey with a new attitude, and jointly create and expand a better tomorrow and build new brilliance.