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How should the laboratory design the ventilation system?

General regulations for design and construction of laboratory ventilation

In the early stage of laboratory design, we should consider the ventilation design of the laboratory. How to take the exhaust pipe, how to place the fume hood, what kind of fume hood to choose and so on. Then the laboratory ventilation design also exists what must pay attention?

1. Set the conditions and principles of ventilation

The purpose of laboratory building ventilation is to prevent a large amount of heat, steam or harmful substances from being distributed to the personnel activity area, and to prevent the pollution and damage of harmful substances to the environment and the building. The control of a large amount of waste heat, residual humidity and harmful substances should be based on prevention, which can only be realized by coordination and cooperation of various disciplines. When the waste heat and humidity of ventilation treatment can meet the requirements, the ventilation measures should be given priority, which can greatly reduce the energy consumption of air treatment.

2. Requirements for emissions of hazardous substances

Some buildings, such as scientific research and teaching laboratories, laboratory equipment rooms, etc., will emit a large amount of heat, steam, dust and even toxic gases during use and storage. For example, the kitchen of a catering building will contain a large amount of oil fume in the exhaust. If no treatment measures are taken, it will directly endanger the health of the operators and pollute the natural environment around the building, affect the health of surrounding residents or office workers. Therefore, comprehensive and effective prevention, treatment and control measures must be taken. The standards and treatment measures for the exclusion of lampblack in catering buildings should comply with the regulations on lampblack emissions in the catering industry.

3. Selection of ventilation mode

Considering the requirements of energy saving, natural ventilation is mainly through reasonable and moderate changes in the form of buildings, the use of thermal pressure and wind pressure to form organized airflow, to meet indoor requirements, reduce ventilation energy consumption. The use of natural ventilation should be fully considered in laboratory design to meet indoor requirements and reduce ventilation energy consumption. The use of natural ventilation should be fully considered in the design. In summer, natural ventilation should be used as much as possible; in winter, when outdoor air directly enters the room without forming fog and does not produce condensed water on the inner surface of the enclosure structure, natural ventilation should also be considered. When natural ventilation is adopted, the limitation of local outdoor meteorological parameters shall be considered.

The "Ambient Air Quality Standard" GB3095 gives the corresponding air quality standards according to different ambient air quality functional areas, and the "Social Living Environment Noise Emission Standard" GB22337 also gives the noise emission limits according to the different acoustic environment functional areas where the building is located. For areas with serious air pollution and noise pollution, that is, areas that do not meet the GB22337 of "Ambient Air Quality Standard" GB3095 and "Social Living Environment Noise Emission Standard", direct natural ventilation will bring outdoor dirty air and noise into the room. Not conducive to human health. Therefore, mechanical auxiliary natural ventilation can be used, and mechanical air supply and natural exhaust can be carried out by certain air treatment means.

4. Coordination of comprehensive ventilation and local exhaust

For rooms that emit heat, steam or harmful substances, in order to prevent the generated heat, steam or harmful substances from spreading indoors, it is an economical and effective measure to set up natural or mechanical local exhaust at the distribution place and exclude it on the spot. However, sometimes due to the process layout and operation and other conditions, can not set up local exhaust, or the use of the layout of exhaust, there are still some harmful substances spread in the room, the concentration of harmful substances may exceed the national standard, it should be supplemented by natural mechanical full ventilation, or the use of natural or mechanical full ventilation.

5. Division principle of exhaust system

a. Prevent combustion or deflagration accidents caused by mixing of different types and properties of harmful substances.

B. Avoid the formation of more toxic mixtures or compounds that cause harm to humans or corrode equipment and pipelines.

c. Prevent or slow down the condensation of steam in the air duct to accumulate dust, increase the resistance of the air duct and even block the air duct, affecting the normal operation of the material system.

d. Avoid highly toxic substances from entering other rooms through ventilation ducts and tuyeres. For example, the exhaust of highly toxic gases such as lead vapor, mercury vapor, cyanide and cyanide arsenide is classified as a unified system with the exhaust of other rooms. When the system stops running, highly toxic gases may pass through other rooms in the air duct.

According to the provisions of the GB50016 Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings and the GB50045 Code for Fire Protection of High-rise Civil Buildings, there are rooms in the building that are prone to fire or explosion hazardous substances (such as screening rooms, drug storehouses, etc.). The set of exhaust device should be an independent system, so as not to make the easy fire or explosion location into other rooms, to prevent the spread of fire, otherwise it will lead to serious consequences.