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Treatment principles and methods of three wastes in laboratory

The treatment of three wastes in the laboratory includes the treatment of waste gas, waste liquid and waste residue. The principles of treatment include reduction, classification, safety and environmental protection.

1, reduction: minimize the amount of waste generated, the use of conservation-oriented laboratory technology, such as the use of trace reagents, reduce the number of experiments.

2. Classification: Classify wastes according to different properties, such as organic waste liquid, inorganic waste liquid, waste reagents, waste equipment, etc., so as to adopt different treatment methods, such as chemical treatment, physical treatment, biological treatment, etc., in order to achieve the best treatment effect.

3. Safety: In the process of waste treatment, the safety of operators must be ensured and necessary protective measures must be taken, such as wearing protective gloves and goggles. At the same time, the waste treatment process must also comply with relevant safety standards to ensure the safety and reliability of the treatment process.

Environmental protection: In the process of waste treatment, it is necessary to protect the environment and reduce environmental pollution. The waste gas, waste water and waste solids produced in the treatment process must meet the relevant environmental protection standards to ensure that they will not pollute the environment.

Only by following these principles can we effectively deal with laboratory waste, protect the environment and ensure human health and safety.

The treatment method of 1. exhaust gas is as follows:

1. The experiment that a small amount of toxic gas will be produced during the experiment needs to be carried out in the fume hood, and then a small amount of toxic gas is discharged from the room through the exhaust equipment and diluted by the air.

2, if there is a large number of toxic gases produced in the experiment should be equipped with absorption or treatment device, such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and other acid gases with lye absorption. The combustible organic waste liquid can be completely combusted by oxygen in the combustion furnace.

3, radioactive waste gas discharge should ensure that the surrounding air is not polluted, otherwise it should be purified.

The treatment methods of 2. waste liquid are as follows:

1. Each laboratory shall be equipped with a storage cabinet for storing waste residue and waste liquid. The waste residue and waste liquid polluted by the experiment shall be classified and poured into a special storage cabinet for storage.

2, acidic, alkaline waste liquid according to its chemical properties, respectively, neutralization treatment. Let the pH reach between 6 and 9 and then discharge.

3, organic waste liquid, centralized after recycling, conversion, combustion and other treatment.

4. Try not to use or use less chemical reagents containing heavy metals for experiments.

5, for the cleaning of experimental equipment waste water and other waste water, should be installed laboratory waste water treatment equipment, waste water after treatment standards can be discharged into the municipal pipe network.

The treatment method of 3. waste residue is as follows:

1. Solid wastes include surplus samples, analytical products, consumed or damaged experimental supplies (such as glassware, gauze), etc.

2, these wastes should be classified collection, storage, and unified treatment by the relevant departments.

The above information is for reference only. The specific treatment method needs to be determined according to the specific laboratory situation. Please contact our engineers for more information.