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Construction of Laboratory Strong and Weak Current System

There are various types of laboratories and instruments and equipment inside the experimental building. The power supply system not only maintains the specific environmental power consumption of the laboratory, but also meets the special power consumption requirements of various existing and future additional instruments. For instruments such as centrifuges, chromatography freezers and low-temperature refrigerators with compressors, the current required for their motors to start is often many times the working current, which often affects the voltage fluctuation of the circuit at the moment of starting, if there are many high-power instruments connected to the line, it will cause the instruments to work abnormally. Microelectronic instruments such as microbiological electricity tester, spectrophotometer, computer and the like have relatively high requirements on the quality of power supply. Frequent startup of high-power instruments will generate pulse voltage, which can easily damage components or cause reading fluctuation, data loss and other fault arrays. Therefore, the design of the experimental building power supply system, in addition to the need to reserve enough surplus power to meet the needs of future development, but also must provide uninterrupted power supply. Based on the uniqueness of the laboratory, the power supply system of the experimental building is unique in terms of power supply, wiring, lighting, safety and other aspects. The electricity consumption of experimental buildings is usually twice the existing electricity consumption.

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